Thursday, July 31, 2008

Route 66 - 7/31

Our first stop was to an open house for a Mormon Temple in Twin Falls. After a 20 min or so video we were given a tour of the Temple and explained what all the rooms are used for. I would suggest that if you have the opportunity to do so you should go visit.

Today we went to The Ice Cave and Mammoth Cave which are both north of Shoshone. Because of the number of steps Ainslie went into the Ice Cave by herself. 111 steps down and back up in case you are wondering. Ainslie was not impressed by the Mammoth Cave as it was a self guided tour and you carried your own light walking about 1/4 mile to the 1/2 way point where their trail ended.

We ended the day at a very good friends home for a BBQ with his family at Doc Davis's home in Shoshone. Cheeseburgers, Salmon and Hot Dogs with all the trimmings were quite delicious. We really enjoyed the visit with Keith and his family staying a little over 5 hours. My how time slips away. Doc and I have been friends for about 25 years now and I always enjoy seeing him.

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